Dear Friends,
What a joy it has been to celebrate the bicentennial of First Presbyterian Church of Ridgewood, NJ during 2023! The mere fact that a church has existed for 200 years is something to celebrate. As part of our bicentennial observance and in recognition that
the Christian church exists to share the love of Christ with neighbors near and far, the Session has made a commitment to support a special mission project this year.
Since a number of First Pres members immigrated to the United States from Syria and Lebanon, a mission project within the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (Presbyterian) was a natural choice. And the project chosen is the construction of The Aleppo Christian Center.
In 2012, the sanctuary of the National Presbyterian Church of Aleppo was destroyed by radical Islamist groups in two explosions which reduced the church building to rubble. Once Aleppo was liberated by the government of Syria, and relative peace had returned to the city, a new worship center for the congregation was constructed in another part of the city.
Because the church’s original site is located in the historic center of the old city, the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon has made the commitment to re-establish its presence with a new structure on the site of the destroyed building. The
Aleppo Christian Center will be a place for outreach to the community, theological training, ecumenical conferences, and interfaith dialogue. Construction has already begun, but more funds are needed to complete the project.
Follow this link to an Outreach Foundation video which describes the project: https://youtu.be/EIKBiuPTbYE
In support of the Aleppo Christian Center Project, the First Pres Mission, Peace and Social Righteousness Team has allocated funds from its Mission/Benevolence budget, and the Session has approved a special offering to take place during the month of
September. Soon you will receive a special offering envelope in the mail along with an invitation to support this important project. In addition, a Middle Eastern Fundraiser Dinner will take place at the church at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 30. Please plan to come and celebrate the successful conclusion of this campaign and help us raise additional funds.
May we give generously in order that the Christians in Aleppo and throughout Syria might be encouraged and the church there might continue to thrive!
Yours in Christ’s service, Bruce