Dear Friends,
As we make our way through life, inevitably we face situations which cause us to fear. At times, fear can be understood as a gift, inasmuch as it enables us to sense danger and can motivate us to take action in response. On the other hand, fear can become all-consuming and debilitating, robbing us of the abundant, healthy life God intends for us.
The Bible has much to say about fear and how God’s people have found strength to face adversity and confront their fears. This fall you are invited to explore some of those biblical passages by participating in Living Unafraid, a video-based Bible study written by Adam Hamilton.
Gleaning practical wisdom from the Bible and informed by psychology and neuroscience, this study consists of brief daily readings and once weekly gatherings for discussion. During each gathering, following a brief video presentation, I will lead a discussion of the readings and video.
Gatherings will take place twice each week – Monday evenings at 6:00 and Wednesdays at noon. Choose the day/time which best suits your schedule; and feel free to switch days/times in any given week if your schedule changes. Gatherings will take place in the Minnema Room.
Dates Topics
September 12 & 14 Understanding & Countering Fear
September 19 & 21 Crime, Race, Terrorism and Politics
September 26 & 28 Failure, Disappointing Others, Insignificance and Loneliness October 3 & 5 Apocalypse, Change, Missing Out and Finances
October 10 & 12 Aging, Illness, Dying and Fear of the Lord
Books are $15. Reserve your copy today by contacting Dana Feeney in the Church Office (office@firstpresridgewood.org or 201-652-2504).
I hope each of you will consider joining us for this meaningful study. And as always, friends are welcome!
Grace and peace, Bruce