Dear Friends,
As I write this, August will soon give way to September, children will soon return to school, and in the rhythm of church life, we will soon begin a new program year.
First, let me say that I hope each of you will join us for worship each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. - either in the sanctuary or online. To gather as a faith community to worship God is essential to our spiritual health, individually and corporately. Next, I hope you will read through this edition of First Press to discover at least one additional way you might be involved in the life of the congregation this fall.
Once again I will offer an adult Bible study from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays from September 15 through November 17. On each of these Wednesday evenings, we will gather via zoom to watch a video and discuss one of the Ten Commandments, which are guideposts provided by God to help us experience a good and beautiful life.
In addition to attending the Wednesday gatherings, participants will be asked to prepare for each session by reading a chapter in Words of Life - Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today by Adam Hamilton. Cost of the book is $15. Please contact Dana Feeney in the church office (201-652-2504 or fpoffice@firstpresridgewood.org) to sign up to receive the zoom links and to reserve your copy of the book.
You will find the schedule of readings and discussions below. See you in September! Grace and peace, Bruce