Dear Friends:
As he often does when writing to the churches, the Apostle Paul begins his letter to the Philippians with words of gratitude: “I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you ….” (1:3-4)
Like Paul, as the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Ridgewood NJ, I thank God for each of you – for the privilege of knowing you, for the opportunity to serve in your midst, and for the many contributions you make to the Body of Christ in this place.
I am grateful for those who serve as Elders and Deacons; for those who sing and those who play hand bells; for those who teach and those who assist; for those who serve on committees and those who go on mission trips; for those who volunteer for the Produce Mission and those who support our food drives; for Caring Cooks and those who cook for St. Paul’s; for those who visit the sick and those who bring joy to shut-ins; for those who pray for the church and its ministries; for those who read Scripture and offer Minutes for Mission during worship; for those who oversee improvements to our building and those who assist in the office; for all those who contribute financially - for all gifts large and small; for those who bring the energy and enthusiasm of youth and those who offer the wisdom that comes from a long lifetime of experience; for those who help others and those who need to be helped.
We are one body with many parts. And without each part making its unique contribution, the body would not function effectively. So, during this month as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, I am reminded to say “thank you!” to each of you.
Thank you for all that you do to support the ministry and mission of this congregation! But just as important, thank you for simply being you. It is a joy to know you as friends and a privilege to serve along with you. Thanks be to God for First Pres and its people!
Yours in Christ’s service together,