Dear Friends,
I am pleased that after two years of Lenten Suppers Minus the Calories (that is, Lenten Supper Worship via zoom), this year the Lenten Supper Series will return to its in-person format, providing food for body and soul. Each Wednesday in March, members of First Pres and Trinity will gather at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium to share a meal and a time of worship. During the worship service on March 1, 8, 15 & 22, we will listen as members and friends share a portion of their faith journey or faith story.
On Wednesday, March 29, we will not take part in a traditional worship service. Rather, you are invited to come early or stay following the supper to experience the Lenten Prayer Stations, which will be available, courtesy of the Worship & Arts Committee, in the Sanctuary and Chapel. I hope you will plan to take part in these unique opportunities to enrich your spiritual life during this Lenten season!
Grace and peace,