Dear Friends:
I am pleased to share with you that during its May 2023 meeting, our Session made the decision that First Presbyterian Church of Ridgewood would become a Matthew 25 Congregation!
In the words of the Presbyterian Church (USA) website: Matthew 25:31–46 calls all of us to actively engage in the world around us, so our faith comes alive and we wake up to new possibilities.... The themes of the Matthew 25 invitation are grounded in the gospel. Jesus calls us to serve with and for “the least of these” — not as a group to be pitied, but as people who are deeply loved by Jesus.
The selected focus of First Presbyterian Church will be building congregational vitality by challenging members to deepen and energize their faith and grow as joyful leaders and disciples actively engaged with their community, seeing new disciples engaged in ministry and longstanding believers develop in faith as the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared in word and deed.
So that we might become more familiar with this significant passage of scripture and its implications for our life together, I will offer a Matthew 25 Bible Study during the month of February. This four-week study will take place in the Minnema Room on Mondays at 6:00 p.m., and the same study will also be offered on Wednesdays at noon. Just pick the day/time which works best for you, then let me know you plan to attend (so I know how many handouts to prepare), then join us as we explore God’s word together!
Grace and peace,