Dear Friends:
When you hear the word evangelism, what may come to mind is a street preacher exhorting listeners to “get saved” or Christians going door to door, passing out tracts and talking to anyone who will listen. And while those approaches have their place and indeed have brought many into a relationship with Christ over the years, most of us would not be comfortable engaging in those practices.
Evangelism, simply stated, is sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others. And the Office of Theology, Formation & Evangelism of the Presbyterian Mission Agency has developed an education series entitled 8 Habits of Evangelism, which is designed to take a more holistic approach to sharing the good news.
The good news is about a God of love, who has a loving purpose for the world, and there are multiple ways in which a faith community can live out that good news and enable others to experience it.
During the months of April and May, on four Sundays following coffee hour, we will hold a gathering to explore four of the eight habits. Each gathering will begin with a short video focused on a particular aspect of holistic evangelism, followed by a discussion. And each gathering will take place in the Dining Room or Minnema Room.
Sunday, April 14 | Fellowship
Sunday, May 5 | Worship
Sunday, May 19 | Teaching
Sunday, May 26 | Generosity
On these four dates, please plan to grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, then join us for stimulating and thoughtful conversation. Your participation will serve as one building block in our endeavor to build congregational vitality here at First Pres.
In the words of presenter Tod Bolsinger, “These exercises are meant to be done in groups of people who want others to come to the table.” I hope you will come and be part of this group!
Grace and peace,