Dear Friends,
I am extremely heartened by how this congregation has responded to the challenges posed by the current coronavirus pandemic! We have adapted quickly to the need for social distancing, replacing worship in the sanctuary with online worship. And large numbers of you are tuning in at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays for the live stream or later at your convenience on the website.
You are making your financial contributions online or mailing them to the office. Deacons are keeping in touch with the members in their sections. Many more of you are connecting with other members, asking: “How are you and your family doing? Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
Many of you have continued to contribute to the March Food Drive to benefit the people served by the Social Service Association of Ridgewood and Vicinity. And the Mission Committee recently met by email, voting to make a financial contribution to SSA during this time of great need.
For all of these responses, I thank you!
Today I am writing to ask for your help in one additional way. Recently, at the suggestion of Jessica Strader, the Board of Deacons began a new ministry to the congregation called What’s for Dinner? Realizing that at times, some members are unable to meet their own food/nutrition needs, What’s for Dinner? will serve as the congregation’s food bank for members and friends of the congregation.
While the initial plan was to include some home-cooked frozen meals, currently we are focusing on the following items, which will be stored in a cabinet in the church basement: pasta, sauce, rice, canned chili, canned soup, cereal, mac and cheese, peanut butter, jelly, fruit cups, granola bars, canned tuna, crackers, canned veggies and multivitamins.
As the church remains closed during the current Stay at Home Order, if you are able to support this ministry, please call me at 215-337-5623 and arrange to leave your food contribution outside a back door of the church, and I will take it to the pantry.
If you are in need of food at any time, please call me at the same number, and I will gladly arrange to deliver it.
All are invited to contribute or receive!
Friends, this is one significant way we can bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) and ensure that none of our members or friends will go hungry during this challenging time. Thank you!
Forward in faith,
You may read the entire April Newsletter by clicking on the link below: