Of course, I hope that you will join us weekly for worship - whether online or in the sanctuary. And I hope you will join me for the seven-week series, Living Into the Beloved Community.
Please Join Pastor Bruce for Video-Inspired Zoom Conversations ~ Living into the Beloved Community ~ Seven Sessions on Wednesday Evenings ~ 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. September 16 – October 28, 2020 “
Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well quantitative change in our lives.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
You are invited to view a video(s) prior to each session on your own and then engage in conversations about the realities of race and racism. We will explore how they affect ourselves, families, congregations and communities — even the ways we live out our faith and how we can move through racialized differences toward becoming God’s beloved community. What is our hope? May each of us strive to close the gap between the world God intends of justice, kindness and love, and the world as it is in our communities. View Complete Newsletter
Session 1 – September 16 Be the Light, Open Your Hearts to Grace
Session 2 -- September 23 Adam Hamilton Sermon: Jesus, Justice & Repentance
Session 3 – September 30 Silence Isn’t the Answer
Session 4 – October 7 The Roots of Racial Injustice
Session 5 – October 14 Recognize and Overcome Our Biases
Session 6 – October 21 Grace, Justice & Mercy
Session 7 – October 28 Guest Speaker: Rev. Mack Brandon Metropolitan A.M.E. Zion Church, Ridgewood
If you plan to participate, please register by emailing me at pastorbruce@firstpresridgewood.org or Donna Flagg at flaggbda@gmail.com. We will send you the weekly video links as well as the zoom link.
Grace and peace, Bruce