With bells, bows, and boughs of Christmas greenery, 'tis the season and time for our Church's annual Holiday Bake Sale on Sunday, December 17th, 2017 after worship! This fundraiser will benefit Camp Lot's of Fun for homeless children.
As in past Holiday Bake Sales, you'll find tables in the dining room overflowing with Cakes, pies, cookies, holiday breads, and melt in your mouth brownies. Also returning are these welcome additions to our tables: Sadie Eliya's rich and creamy rice pudding, Judy Casey's' spicy Apple Chutney, Laila Eliya's Baklava, and Janet Johnston's fresh cranberry relish. Sue Sofka will be selling her one of a kind greeting cards as well!
It is confirmed that old St. Nick is making a return visit and will welcome one and all with candy canes and friendly greetings. For a photo op, he'll gladly pose with you and your little one in front of our colorful Christmas tree.
All profits from our sale will be donated to Camp Lots of Fun for homeless children. Last year's bake sale raised $1,600, sending 3 children to camp.