First Pres Launches a Small Group Women’s DVD/Book Study: One Thousand Gifts ~
Small group ministry opportunities create a culture that is inspiring and faith-building. It opens the doors to developing deeper friendships and relationships, and a stronger church family. So here we are today - our church embarking upon a new journey.
Won’t you join us?
Just like you, Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well. In One Thousand Gifts, Ann explores how we can find joy in the midst of everything from typical daily chores and deadlines to the tribulations every person eventually faces. How we can live life with a heart overflowing with delight and embrace the everyday blessings that immerse us in Christ’s fullness?
In this five-session small group study, Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings and encourages you to take on the life-changing discipline of journaling God's gifts—to find the good in life in all circumstances. She includes scripture readings and highlights the theme, eucharisteo - ability to be thankful (giving thanks, finding grace, and experiencing joy) throughout the study. It’s only in this expression of gratitude for the life we already have, that we discover the life we've always wanted … a life we can take, give thanks for, and use to serve others. In it, we come to feel and know the impossible right down to our core: We are wildly loved by God.
Come and join others to embark on this personal, honest and fresh exploration of what it means to LIVE FULLY Right Where You Are and open your eyes to God’s amazing grace. Sessions include: Attitude of Gratitude, Grace in the Moment, All Is Grace, Trust: The Bridge to Joy and Empty to Fill.
When: Wednesdays: October 18th – November 15th, 2017
Sessions from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
*First Session: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
~ Come at 6:30 p.m. or stay after to enjoy goodies and fellowship ~
Where: First Pres – Dining Room
To sign up and/or for more information call the church office.