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First Sunday in Advent Worship November 27, 2016

Writer's picture: Pastor BrucePastor Bruce

Romans 13:11

11 Besides this, you know what time it is,

how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep.





(please sit in silence during the organ preludes)

Bristol Malcolm Archer Carol Craig Phillip

"Advent invites us to awaken from our numbed endurance and our domesticated expectations to consider our life afresh in light of new gifts that God is about to give" Walter Bruggemann

LIGHTING of the ADVENT WREATH ~ First Presbyterian Church Staff ~

Dana Cooper, Dana Feeney, Ed Schmiedecke and Bill Voorhis.

CALL TO WORSHIP Confirmation Class

*HYMN Come Thou Long Expected Jesus No. 2

ANTHEM E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come Paul Manz

Chancel Choir

Peace be to you and grace from Him who freed us from our sins, who loved us all and shed His blood that we might saved be. Sing Holy, Holy to our Lord, the Lord, Almighty God, who was and is and is to come; sing Holy, Holy Lord! Rejoice in heaven all ye that dwell therein, rejoice on earth, ye saints below, for Christ is coming, is coming soon! E’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come, and night shall be no more. They need no light nor lamp nor sun, for Christ will be their all.


CHILDREN’S ANTHEM I’ve Got Peace Like a River arr. Anna Laura Page

Cherub Choir

I’ve got peace like a river in my soul. I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul. I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul. I’ve got peace, joy and love in my soul.



God of light, who shines in deepest darkness, we hear you calling us out of hopelessness into hope. But we are frightened by your call. We are afraid of taking chances; we are afraid of following your light, because it leads us into places where you need us. We don’t want to see how your people hurt. We don’t want to see your light shining in the eyes of our neighbor. Yes we know that in those places your grace shines; help us to seek your light. Guide us in your way that we might be your children of day. Through the Light of the World, we pray. Amen.

(Pause a few moments for Silent Reflection)



God is our redeemer, the source of all our unused spiritual gifts. May grace and peace come to us now, to equip us for the tasks to which we are called.

Hear the good news; In Jesus Christ we are forgiven, let us forgive one another.


FIRST SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 2: 1-5 pg. 587

SECOND SCRIPTURE: Romans 13: 11-14 pgs 987-8

GOSPEL READING Matthew 24: 36-44 Rev. Fran Thiessen

SERMON: "How to Spend and How Not to Spend" Rev. Fran Thiessen


*HYMN Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine No. 341


OFFERTORY SOLO In Silence He Came J. Martin

Vera Coleman, Soprano

In silence He came with grace soft as snowfall. Hushed was creation awaiting His cry. The voice of His mother reached out in the night, filling the air with a sweet lullaby, singing a sweet lullaby. In evening He came with hope like a candle. Starlight and moonbeams dancing on straw as gentle blue shadows fell soft on the stall. The glory of heaven came down for us all. Jesus was born for us all. Light of the world, Song in the shadows, Star of the morning and heaven’s bright Son, Bringer of peace, Grace everlasting: He is the promise, He is Messiah, He is the glorious one! In myst’ry He came and wrapped up in wonder, miracle baby from heaven above. O how can it be that this babe in a manger brings us salvation and warms us with love. Still, still, still, come and see the child so still. For Christ is crowned with heaven’s glory, still your heart and bow before Him. O night when Christ was born.



*HYMN Let All Things Now Living (first verse only). No. 554


**BENEDICTION RESPONSE – Choir & Congregation

And all the people sang: Lord, listen to your children praying.

Lord, send your Spirit in this place.

Lord, listen to your children praying.

Send us love, send us power, send us grace, grace.



Winchester New Christopher Tambling

GUEST PREACHER Rev. Fran Thiessen

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Dr. Edward Schmiedecke

LITURGIST Jessica Strader

HEAD USHER Richard Vanacore

CHANCEL FLOWERS are given in Thanksgiving for and in honor of the 60th Anniversary of Phyllis and Bruce Crocco from Shelley, Norma, Marcia and Stella.

Our Rosebuds in the Sanctuary are to celebrate the births of

Grace Lynn Paveo born on October 23, 2016


Violet Misha Eliya born on Spembr 27, 2016


Reverend Fran Thiessen is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary and studied Spiritual Direction in Burlingame, California and in New York. She served as pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Norwood for about 10 years and presently is honorably semi - employed. (Aka honorably retired). Currently Rev. Thiessen teaches theology at Caldwell University and is the spiritual director at Union Theological Seminary. She is also active in the Presbytery serving on committees and preaching is area churches. Fran is the proud mother of two grown daughters. Rev. Thiessen is grateful for all aspects of her ministry, for her family and for this opportunity to journey together during Advent and Christmas.


Dana Cooper, Director of Children & Family Ministries

Dr. Edward Schmiedecke, Director of Music

Eunjung Ahn, Organist

Carol Schmiedecke, Handbells/Youth Music Director

Dana Feeney, Administrative Manager

Jessica Strader, Youth Leader


At First Pres we strive to be a vibrant, welcoming inter-generational church family. We hope to be a spiritual home where people are inspired to discover a personal relationship with Jesus and experience God's Holy Spirit. 


Service Time: Sunday 10 am

Phone: (201) 652-2504 

722 East Ridgewood Ave 
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Office Hours: Mon - Thur  9AM - 1PM

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