Great music is happening at First Pres, and we have something for everyone! Our music program is growing each year and we would love to have you be a part of it! If you are interested in any of the groups listed below, please speak to our Director of Music, Dr. Edward Schmiedecke, following worship each Sunday or by email by clicking 'Contact Us' on our website. All of our music groups are open to membership at any time throughout the year.
CHANCEL CHOIR - Middle School thru Adult
A love of singing is the prime requisite to be a member of the Chancel Choir! The Choir consists of a dedicated group of individuals who sing in service each Sunday with special presentations, often with orchestra, at holiday times. Past presentations include Vivaldi’s Gloria, the Fauré Requiem, Saint-Saëns’ Christmas Oratorio, Schubert’s Mass in C, portions of Handel’s Messiah, choral masterpieces from the standard repertoire, as well as modern and contemporary favorites and spirituals. Interested singers may join at any time. If you are new to First Pres, joining the Choir is a great way to get to know everyone! The Chancel Choir rehearses weekly on Thursdays in the Choir Room from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Dr. Edward Schmiedecke, director.
CHANCEL BELL CHOIR - Middle School thru Adult
The Chancel Bell Choir is open to all interested ringers from Middle School age to adult. No previous experience is necessary. The group meets on Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:15 pm in the Choir Room where they work on ringing techniques, sight reading, music fundamentals and preparing music selections for worship. The group can be heard at special holiday services and throughout the year under the direction of Carol Andrews Schmiedecke, Director of Handbells and Youth Music.
CHERUB CHOIR - Kindergarten through Grade 4
The First Presbyterian Church Cherub Choir is open to all boys and girls in Kindergarten through Grade 4 and meets on Sundays directly after worship in the Choir Room. Children work on singing skills, movement, music fundamentals, and playing rhythm instruments, Handchimes, and Orff percussion instruments. Children also participate in musical games and craft activities. The Cherub Choir participates regularly in worship throughout the year and at holiday services. The group is directed by Carol Andrews Schmiedecke, Director of Handbells and Youth Music.
Each spring, First Pres presents a variety of musical artists in concerts and recitals which feature exceptionally gifted young musicians on the threshold of a professional career to local and well-loved performing organizations. Whether your musical tastes run from classical to opera to choral to jazz, our Music Series will have something to interest you. Admission is free. Watch your church bulletin for dates and times.