Celebrating 200 Years of God's Grace and Glory!
On January 11, 1823, fifteen men and twelve women, former members of the Paramus Dutch Reformed Church, signed a request to form a congregation in the newly-established True Reformed Dutch Church. They were unhappy with laxness of discipline and indiscriminate administration of the sacraments to unbelievers in their present church. They also had theological disagreements. They were organized as The True Reformed Dutch Church of Paramus, the direct predecessor of First Presbyterian Church of Ridgewood.
We are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of this congregation throughout 2023.

JANUARY 15, 2023
Bicentennial Kickoff!
Although our actual founding date is January 11, 1823, today we kickoff our 200 year anniversary and begin a segment called 200 Seconds - a brief talk on what First Pres means to members and friends of the church. During the service we will celebrate The Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper, using communion ware dating to the 1800s. And on that day, we will unveil a special bicentennial banner, gifted to First Pres by Trinity Presbyterian Church. The banner will remain in the sanctuary for the rest of 2023.
Following the bicentennial kick-off service, there will be a festive gathering for food and fellowship in the Auditorium. Join us!

All of 2023
200 Seconds
Join us each week to hear from First Pres members and friends of the church on what our church has meant to them. 200 seconds for 200 years.

All of 2023
200 for 200 Pledge Campaign
This year we're asking for members to increase their pledges by $200 - maybe $200 more per year, or month, or week! Our slogan is 200 for 200!
All of 2023
Artifacts, Pictures, & Memories
All year we will be showcasing artifacts in the Collentine Memorial room, photographs on our website, old videos and memories here and on facebook.

Souper Bowl of Caring
Join us on Sunday, February 12 for a special event after worship service. We will have a variety of soups available at no cost - just a donation. We are raising money for Eva's Village in Paterson and our goal is to provide 200 MEALS for homeless men and women to eat. $1,030 will get us 200 meals to celebrate 200 years.
200 for 200! Please help us make this happen. You can also donate via Venmo or mailed check if you are unable to make it in person.
Easter Worship
Join us for our 200th Easter as a church
10 AM Sunday, April 9, 2023 followed by our
Easter Egg Hunt!

MAY 2023
Stained Glass Window Publication
It has been many years since Barbara VanTilburg published the Stained Glass Windows of our church booklet and Jessica Strader Paz has taken on the task of re-printing the booklet electronically with hi-resolution photos. Stay tuned for more details.
JUNE 9, 2023
Homecoming Picnic
Stay tuned for more details

JUNE 10, 2023
Second Saturday Service
Stay tuned for more details
JUNE 11, 2023
Homecoming Service
Stay tuned for more details
Fourth of July Parade

Would you like to walk? We will be walking in the Ridgewood parade with a banner, followed by cars from 3 generations, a 1929 Model A, 1954 Chevy Belair, and 2016 Mustang.
East Meets West
Stay tuned for more details on a joint worship with Westside Presbyterian Church

Middle East Fundraiser
Stay tuned for more details on a special fundraising dinner and World Communion Sunday on October 1
History of First Pres Book Publishing
A supplemental book to follow the history up until 1973, this book will cover the last 50 years of history at First Pres. Stay tuned for more details